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Key Tips For Resolving Conflict

Ultimately all relationships start from yourself, your ability to relate to others is dependent on your ability to relate to yourself.

In conflict resolution, the best solution is the solution that is best for both sides.

Of course, that's not always possible to find, but you should use all your resources to solve your conflict as smoothly as you can.

Here are some key tips which will help you resolve conflict :

- Take a moment to understand your point of view and how you feel about the issue.

- Tune into the other person and how they feel about the situation. Try to step into their shoes and see the situation from their perspective. What are the positive explanations for their behaviour? Write them down.

- Share your respective understandings. Check whether you have understood the other person’s correctly.

- Understand the major issues involved and imagine different possible solutions.

- Respect the right to disagree.

Tune Into You!

It only takes one person to change and create a positive difference in a relationship. The best way to support change in others is to first change yourself.

1. Build a regular alone time in your life, take this time to relax, think and reflect.

2. Take this alone time to review the important things in your life, such as your relationships and the things that you give you most satisfaction. Notice and listen to your feelings and values.

3. Keep a regular journal and make notes of plans you want to make around your relationships such a committing to special events that is important to either you or your partner.

4. Express your real concerns.

5. Be open to different points of view.

5. Be mindful of your emotions, acknowledge and express them in a trusting environment. Allow yourself space and time to process difficult feelings rather than being controlled by them.

Conflict whether internal, interpersonal, or external (situation-based) lies at the heart of emotional distress. Counselling can help you develop the skills necessary to adequately address conflict, reduce tension, improve well-being, and find solutions. Make an appointment to understand more by calling the cabin on 087 620 3371.

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